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Contact / Disclaimer

Contact, disclaimer, terms and conditions, privat policy etc…

Vidda Runners Huskies AS
Tappeluftveien 3
9545 Langfjordbotn

Tel. +47 99150533
Web: 916724209

All images on the website are copyrighted. Copyright Vidda Runners.

Write us!

For questions, comments or suggestions you are welcome to write us a message.
We appreciate every email and will respond as soon as possible.

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  • "What I liked most, was the fact that I never got the impression to be on a trip with an ordinary tour guide. Joining Ben on this sled dog trip, felt like being with an experienced friend"

    Daniel L.
  • "The trip with the Vidda Runners was an unique experience. I could not wish for more during this week trip: 18 toptrained huskies, blizzard and sun, northern lights, wilderness of the vidda, fishing trouts on the ice. You will never forgett such a trip."

    Daniel L.
  • The husky trip left a deep impression on us. The sensation of the arctic nature was pure and fascinating. Traveling by dogsled through such remote surroundings made us loose our sense for time and space. The organization of this trip emphasized this feeling even more. Ben and Kati act professional and flexible. One gets a feeling of being looked after from the first until last day of the trip.

    Dirk H.

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